Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Dressing the kids up is so much fun!!  I have a feeling it will be the last year that I am able to choose Addy's costume :(  We had fun coloring pumpkins instead of carving them and of course went out to Trick-R-Treat!  Daddy never disappoints and dressed up as Elvis once again, I am starting to wonder if he will ever out grow it (he he)! Bauer's highlight was eating the candy of course!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Johnson Farms and Louisberg Cider Mill

We ventured out to Johnson Farms this year to try somewhere new and it was a blast!  Cant wait to back next year!  We also did our annual tradition at Louisberg Cider Mill with some friends.

Friday, October 5, 2012


We ventured up to Weston to celebrate my dad turning 60 and to site see!  They kids loved it there, its always such a fun time, love making memories!