"Batman scrd me"
-We were recently at our annual BBQ celebration with our friends and the host of the BBQ dressed up as Batman for a skit and scared the ^#$% out of Addy! She was completely freaked out and still, 4 weeks later is asking where Batman went and wants to make sure he isnt in her room at night....every. single. night. She is always telling us multiple time a day that "Batman scrd her" and she puts her arms close to her chest, so precious
"Where did beep beep go?"
-We had a small fire in our toaster oven that made the smoke alarms go off. You would have thought the world was ending. Both of the kids happened to be in the bathtub at the time and both of them were crying bloody murder as we are running around opening the windows trying to get the things turned off as fast as we could to make the crying and screaming stop. So now, every. single. night we have to inspect the "beep beeps" in her room to make sure they are not going to "beep beep!" (Trust me Addy if I would have known the terror this would have caused I could have done without my french fries being toasted!)
Talking on the phone!
-She is officially a phone talker and especially loves pretending everything is a phone, especially an indoor thermometer we have. I think she likes it because it does beep when you push the buttons so it mimic's the phone. She loves talking to Pa Pa especially! I cant believe I caught this on video, so priceless!