Monday, June 25, 2012

Funny Things Addy Says.....

I can now offically start blogging about all of the funny things Addy says that I dont ever want to forget. So here are a few things recently...

"Batman scrd me"
-We were recently at our annual BBQ celebration with our friends and the host of the BBQ dressed up as Batman for a skit and scared the ^#$% out of Addy!  She was completely freaked out and still, 4 weeks later is asking where Batman went and wants to make sure he isnt in her room at night....every. single. night. She is always telling us multiple time a day that "Batman scrd her" and she puts her arms close to her chest, so precious

"Where did beep beep go?"
-We had a small fire in our toaster oven that made the smoke alarms go off. You would have thought the world was ending. Both of the kids happened to be in the bathtub at the time and both of them were crying bloody murder as we are running around opening the windows trying to get the things turned off as fast as we could to make the crying and screaming stop. So now, every. single. night we have to inspect the "beep beeps" in her room to make sure they are not going to "beep beep!"  (Trust me Addy if I would have known the terror this would have caused I could have done without my french fries being toasted!)

Talking on the phone!
-She is officially a phone talker and especially loves pretending everything is a phone, especially an indoor thermometer we have.  I think she likes it because it does beep when you push the buttons so it mimic's the phone. She loves talking to Pa Pa especially!  I cant believe I caught this on video, so priceless!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Bauer is 7 Months!

Where in the world has the time gone? I know I say this over and over again but wow!  Bauer's personality is really starting to shine! He is still so happy and loves to laugh but he has absolutely no patience at all!  He wants it NOW!  Whether its food or a toy he screams until he gets what he wants!  I already cant imagine what the terrible two's are going to be like with this guy! 

He has 2 little teeth on the bottom that just popped through! Luckily I dont think he is going to be nearly as bad of a teether as Addy is! He is a little fussy but no 104 fevers, so I will take the fussiness any day!

Still loves his johnny jumper and is starting to jump so high he gets air!  He can put his pa-pa in all by himself and is sitting like a champ now!  Still no sign of crawling but that is just fine with me, the longer he can stay put- the better!

He is getting a little better with sleeping but is still getting up at least once in the night and is up for the day (literally) the second he sees the sunshine, so around 6:00am!  Still loves his jar food and barely wants anything to do with his bottles.  He has really found his voice and loves to scream really loud! I think he likes the reaction he gets from it most of all!  He admires Addy so much and is constantly looking for her and watching her run around and play. I am sure he is taking all kinds of notes!

He loves to snuggle into your neck or a blanket and snort as loud as he can!  He is still super ticklish and morning are his favorite time!  (it makes waking up at 6:00 much more enjoyable!)

His nickname "Bow Bow" has officially stuck, Addy is now calling him that and he seems to turn his head to it!  He went on his first wagon ride with Addy this weekend and really seemed to like it!  He is such a big boy!

 This picture is priceless! Rock on!

 Where are my teeth????
 Here they are!!!

We love you Bow Bow!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Crown Center and The Lake

This summer is off to a great start!  We went to Crown Center to play in the fountains and eat at Fritz's!  We also took the kids out on the boat for a swim, they LOVED it! Its been so warm we have been finding creative things to play with inside, like the tent!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day

Mat had a wonderful day doing everything Daddy wanted to do!  We made him breakfast and gave him his card/poster and then went to my parents to spend the day with my dad and Mat went to the gun show, yes, a real gun show.  That is what he really wanted to do!  We lounged around and had a nice relaxing day! 

A Son's First Hero
A Daughters First Love

Daddy, I love you for all that you do
I'll kiss you and hug you cause you love me too
You feed me and need me to teach you to play
So smile cause I love you on this Fathers Day!


 Fathers Day is such a special day because no words can possibly express a daughters love for her dad!  My dad is one of the most selfless and hardest working people I know and would do anything for anyone even if its sacrificing something for himself.  He makes me who I am today and has taught me so many things about life, how to love unconditionally, how to work my hardest, to never give up and to always be the best I can be!  Thank you for being such a wonderful Dad and PaPa to our kids, you are my hero! I love you!


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Summer Fun

The summer is off to a great start!

We have been spending time outside in the pool which both of them LOVE!  Bauer loves to splash and take Addy's water toys and Addy loves pouring, watering the flowers, watering Bauer and crying over the toys that were taken from her! :) 

Spending time with great friends Callie and Kinley

They are now taking baths together too which is so fun (for Bauer anyways)!  He loves splashing and kicking!  This picture describes the way Addy feels about Bauer being in her bath.....HILARIOUS! 

Addy's new favorite food is corn on the cob, she does such a great job and doesnt leave one piece of corn behind! 

We went to the KC Zoo with some friends and had a wonderful time!  Addy loved it!


And best of all having some great snuggle time! She really does love her brother, but on her terms! :)